Sunday, December 18, 2005

Web Students

Last Week: I want you to generate 3 more pages by the end of this week. You are going to create a new theme, or regenerate the one you had if you overwrote it in our experiments. Then, based on that theme, you are going to make a simple photo gallery, with the appropriate pics of your choice. A favorite links page which will contain all the appropriate sites you normally like to visit. Lastly, a short biographical page which will contain your brief background.

The examples follow:
  • Login, pick a template, and run through the steps of generating one.

  • View template in your browser, and copy URL address

  • Then in NVU, (if buggy, quit and relaunch) Go to File > Open Web Location..

  • Then, open the page you generated in Geocties by pasting the URL address from the browser, and then SAVE it to a NEW folder titled "template" within your web page project folder. IMPORTANT: all the images and javascript files will save as well, so make sure you save to its own folder to avoid clutter.

  • Your template should look like this in NVU. The red lines represent a table with cells your content is encapsulated in. Basically it gridlock's your text and photos from auto-wrapping if your web site viewer resizes the browser window. You may delete some cells to make the other pages, however if you delete the table, you may get unexpected results.


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